Rory was one of the gentlest and sweetest spirits I have ever met. I loved spending time with him in shamanic trainings. He made everyone feel important and heard. The was a quiet solitude that he projected to others.
One of my favorite memories was our retreat in Oklahoma. Jimmie had placed three of us girls in a room with two beds. I just could not subject my friends to my snoring ( they'd no longer be my friends!) So I went upstairs and joined the guys in the loft. We had the best time chatting in the evening like a slumber party :) It was just such a nice close to the days and I was far enough away not to keep them awake.
But there was something about Rory that weekend. We had reached the end of our training and he was just beaming... so filled with love and life. I will forever remember him that way... Love you Rory, thank you for all you taught me just in the goodness of your being.