Rory had an amazing way to be so many things to so many people.
For me, Rory was the love of my life, i just knew it from the time I met him. My love for Rory was so strong I spent years running from that vulnerability. Luckily for me, Rory knew just how much I truly did love him. Still to this day, Rory is the only person that I have ever felt the most connected to, the most comfortable around, that he truly knew & loved me for exactly who I was.
It’s my hope, I was able to give that back to him and then some.
If you’ve ever truly been able to experience that kind of unconditional love, you know, just how special something like that is & how rare it is to find it. Rory taught me unconditional love & for that I will be forever grateful.
I feel so blessed to have been a part of his life & so honored & proud that he was a part of mine.
There are so many wonderful things I loved & admired about Rory;
His heart, his soul, his spirit, his compassion, his intellect, his integrity.